Rob Watson on the State of Transformative Projects in the Green Building Sector
Download MP3In this issue of Flanigan's Eco-Logic, Ted speaks with Rob Watson, known as the "Founding Father of LEED," on the current state of productivity in the building sector. Under Rob’s direction, LEED became the largest and fastest-growing international green building standard, though he notes with concern the structural capabilities of delivering sustainability at scale, scope, and speed.
Ted and Rob also discuss the SWEEP Standard (Solid Waste Environmental Excellence Performance), launched in 2016, which is a LEED-like standard, but for standard solid waste. In his current role as a Principal with Upland Road, LLC, Rob develops eco-industrial campuses around a disruptive technology and business model that revolutionizes the global materials management industry by separating, diverting, and recycling up to 95% of municipal mixed waste that is collected in one bin.