Peter Asmus on Microgrids and the Changing Utility Landscape
Download MP3Peter Asmus is a Research Director at Guidehouse Insights, the firm that recently acquired Navigant Research where Peter worked for a decade. An investigative reporter and seasoned researcher, he provides valuable insights and perspectives on microgrids and the changing utility landscape. Peter discusses the genesis of microgrids in the developing world, shunned in Europe where reliability has never been an issue, and microgrids in America, notably California, given concerns about PSPS events and wildfires. Peter covers microgrid issues including utility culture, interconnection, generators, modular UL-approved systems, and energy as a service, fully financed and operated systems with no upfront capital costs.
Peter Asmus is a Research Director at Guidehouse Insights, the firm that recently acquired Navigant Research where Peter worked for a decade. An investigative reporter and seasoned researcher, he provides valuable insights and perspectives on microgrids and the changing utility landscape. Peter discusses the genesis of microgrids in the developing world, shunned in Europe where reliability has never been an issue, and microgrids in America, notably California, given concerns about PSPS events and wildfires. Peter covers microgrid issues including utility culture, interconnection, generators, modular UL-approved systems, and energy as a service, fully financed and operated systems with no upfront capital costs.