Open Streets
Download MP3In EcoNet News, Volume 26, Issue #8, Ted highlights the Open Streets movement, with a goal to transform streets into public spaces open to all to allow for a range of activities: promoting economic development, supporting schools, facilitating pedestrian and bike mobility, and providing new ways to “enjoy cultural programming” and build community.
He also highlights a plan to build the world’s biggest battery in the State of Maine, Johan Cruyff Arena in Amsterdam's capability to run a soccer match entirely on sustainable energy, record clean tech investment in the U.S., addressing the coal reality, the Passive House Network and standard, Ocean Ark's fish farming vision, and heavy-lift cargo drones servicing offshore wind.
He also highlights a plan to build the world’s biggest battery in the State of Maine, Johan Cruyff Arena in Amsterdam's capability to run a soccer match entirely on sustainable energy, record clean tech investment in the U.S., addressing the coal reality, the Passive House Network and standard, Ocean Ark's fish farming vision, and heavy-lift cargo drones servicing offshore wind.