Michael Peevey and Diane Wittenberg on Climate Leadership

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Ted Flanigan interviews Michael Peevey and Diane Wittenberg about their new book, California Goes Green: A Roadmap to Climate Leadership. In this book, they show how California built a gold standard environment along with a thriving economy. It’s a very readable and inspiring contemporary account of how to make things happen. To learn more and purchase, click here: https://www.californiagoesgreen.net/

Ted Flanigan interviews Michael Peevey and Diane Wittenberg about their new book, California Goes Green: A Roadmap to Climate Leadership. In this book, they show how California built a gold standard environment along with a thriving economy. It’s a very readable and inspiring contemporary account of how to make things happen. To learn more and purchase, click here: https://www.californiagoesgreen.net/

Michael Peevey and Diane Wittenberg on Climate Leadership
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