Big and Small Solar
Download MP3In EcoNet News, Volume 26, Issue #10, Ted highlights EcoMotion's solar work onsite in the Central Valley conducting an inspection at a massive utility-scale installation. He compares the really large with the really small, marveling at the simplicity of balcony solar in Germany.
He also highlights Australian rooftop solar providing 50% of demand on the country’s main grid, Scandinavian heat pumps at scale, solar-based solar power, bi-directional EV charging, Home Depot purging plastics, and U.C. San Diego's requiring all students enrolled this fall and from here on to take a course on climate change.
He also highlights Australian rooftop solar providing 50% of demand on the country’s main grid, Scandinavian heat pumps at scale, solar-based solar power, bi-directional EV charging, Home Depot purging plastics, and U.C. San Diego's requiring all students enrolled this fall and from here on to take a course on climate change.