24/7 Carbon-Free Energy
Download MP3In this issue of Flanigan's Eco-Logic, Ted shares his experience serving as a Commissioner for Glendale Water and Power, and the controversy that comes along with civic duty. He also digs into hydrogen, highlighting stories on hydrogen mega projects, hydrogen and thermal nitrogen oxides, and pumped hydro storage.
Ted goes on to share big stories coming from down under, like Australian billionaires plans to bring solar power from Australia to Singapore via an undersea cable link known as the Australia - Asia PowerLink and Redflow, an Australian redox flow battery maker, planning a second United States project, which will be its largest to date.
In addition to hydrogen and Australian renewable energy projects, Ted discusses 24/7 CFE carbon-free accounting, the DOE's action plan for the safe and responsible handling of PV end of life materials (EOL), Europe’s Beyond Coal Campaign's new report on the solar potential of “coal sites” in Turkey, and New York becoming the first state in the nation to surpass 1 GW of community solar installed.